About Us
The area of activity: Agriculture
«Sharbati Asht» LLC – the company specializes mainly in the production, processing, storage and export of apricots. The sales territory covers four countries: Tajikistan, Russia, China and Kazakhstan. The apricots in this region grow 20 days earlier than in other CIS countries.
Apricot is an amazing combination of minerals and vitamins that halts the ageing process.
The enterprise was established in 2009. It has land plots with a total area of 96 ha.
The gardens of fruit, berry and nut trees are located on its territory, which include apricots, sweet cherries, almonds and rosehips. The product range consists of dried fruits and compote mixtures.
apricot trees, the apricots in this region ripe 20 days earlier than in other CIS countries
years in the market
rosehip bushes
cherry trees

Head: Davlatov Azizmurod Razhabovich
Address: Sughd region, Asht district
TEL.: +992 92 758 10 70
Email: azizdavlatov7474@gmail.com