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November 25, 2021The film-autobiography about the life of Saidmurod Davlatov “One in a Million” debuted on the screens of the CIS countries to a full house. The film premiered also in Moscow, Kazan, Dushanbe, Khujand, Bokhtar, Tashkent and other cities. The screening was preceded by a press conference, which accredited more than 500 media representatives. The film premieres were attended by the main character himself, who spoke to the audience before the film was shown. Saidmurod Razhabovich shared insights about the film creation, details of his difficult rise, and also inspired the audience with enthusiasm. In addition to a conversation with the author, the programs of the premieres included photo shoots on the red carpet and an autograph session with the creative team, among which was one of the main triumphant - director Mukhiddin Muzaffar (participant in many foreign film festivals, award winner and member of filmmakers in Tajikistan).
Spectators arrived long before the start. Among them, the premieres were attended by distinguished guests, ambassadors, as well as many listeners, readers and students of Saidmurod Davlatov, who had heard about the unprecedented ups and downs of the fate of the famous mentor. Screening of the film and the atmosphere after it was overly emotional: the plot of the film repeatedly demonstrated real “slides”, and that influenced the audience even more.
“One in a Million” is a motivational film about the life of an international business coach, businessman Saidmurod Davlatov, who was born the tenth child in a shepherd’s family. His purpose is to inspire people to achieve their goals. He proves that nothing is impossible in this life.
Judging by the reviews and the reaction of the audience, the film achieves its goal.